In March of 1939, Msgr. Martel wrote Bishop Jeanmard: "There is a crying need for a new school and gymnasium here in my parish. The present building bought many years ago served as the pubic school and is in an unsafe and antiquated construction, always in need of repairs and dangerous for the children. "Martel went on to ask permission to find a way to construct a new high school. "It will be necessary very likely to ask Rome's permission, because we have to get enough funds to repay the present indebtedness and build the school. The wood of the old building can be used for the gymnasium. I plan to build a school large enough to accommodate 500 children. We came to a figure of about $30,000 for the school and the gymnasium."
Work began on the new building on July 10, 1939 at a cost of $18,200. Martel's new school building would house seven classrooms, a large stage, and would measure over 9,000 square feet, including the courts needed for boxing and basketball. Work on the gym was completed in November of that year, and Fr. Martel would dedicate the building on Thanksgiving Day. It would not be until Labor Day of the following year that the building would be blessed by Bishop Jeanmard.
We are asking for our Blue Jay family and supporters to help us revive our historic gymnasium so that it may continue to serve our students for many more years to come.
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Contact Jamie Manuel if have any questions at (337) 457-3777 or